'The Wire' Quiz App

Project Description

Taking learning out of the classroom and making it mobile is an important part of providing the fluid educational experience expected by millennial students. They take for granted the ability to take your learning materials wherever you go.

With players competing against each other, this quiz tournament leverages social interaction and the gamification of learning to encourage students to engage with their studies in a fun and flexible way – studying ‘on-the-go’, online or offline, on mobile handsets, tablets or PCs.

At its core, this is a simple MCQ assessment. The format is intended to prepare medical students for the kinds of assessments they'll face throughout their training. However, to make this more fun, 'prizes' and extra lives are awarded as you progress.

The tournament is carefully structured to play on the competitive nature of many young doctors. Highscores and other rankings are used to provide a hook to encourage students to keep playing through more and more levels, taking more and more questions and learning more and more without consciously being involved in a revision exercise.

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Software used: Adobe Dreamweaver / PhoneGap.

Project Details
  • Client: Faculty of Life Sciences & Medicine.
  • Status: Completed July 2015
  • Themes: interactivity, mobile learning, web development
  • Team: Jerome Di Pietro